– Jasper’s DRIMaker –

„Auf dieser Seite finden Sie stets die neueste Version von Jasper’s DRIMaker.

Jasper’s DRIMaker ist ein Programm mit dem man automatisch HDRI Bilder erstellen kann.
Das Programm erstellt keine 32-bit HDR-Bilder die mittels Tonemapping zu LDR-Bildern verwandelt werden,
sondern verwendet das sogenannte „Exposure Blending“ indem es die einzelnen Bilder jeweils iterativ ?berblendet.
Es wird also prinzipiell das manuelle Konstruieren in z.B. Adobe Photoshop automatisiert.
Weitere Informationen ?ber diese Technik finden Sie auf dieser Seite.
Alles was Sie brauchen ist eine Bildserie im JPEG Format.“

– Jasper’s DRIMaker –

Taglocity from IngBox Software

„Taglocity is an Add-In application to Microsoft Outlook 2003. It allows you to add tags to your email, tasks, calendar and contacts. Taglocity uses a simple user interface that doesn’t change the way you like to work. Taglocity helps you tag with:

* AutoTags Taglocity learns from how you tag and adds tags automatically to your content. This uses a similar technology to spam AI filters, and learns from your actions to improve in accuracy over time.
* TravelingTags Taglocity allows your tags to travel to other people you send and receive messages from. These tags can help clarify your intent of the message, as well as serve as useful shared information to collaborate around. Powerful aliasing allows you to match up your tags with other peoples.
* Search Tags Taglocity uses Microsoft’s Windows Desktop Search to present a tag-based query feature. This allows you to find things very quickly in the context of your tags.
* TagActions Perform automatic actions for common tasks when you tag anything in Outlook. TagActions include turning email into tasks, moving to folders, setting other tags and more.“

Taglocity from IngBox Software

Clear Your Desk in 3 Steps – lifehack.org

“ 1. First, take everything on your desk and in your drawers, and put them in one big pile. Put it in your „in basket“ (if it doesn’t fit, pile it next to your desk or something). From now on, everything that comes in must go in your in basket, and you process everything as below.

2. Process this pile from the top down. Never re-sort, never skip a single piece of paper, never put a piece of paper back on the pile. Do what needs to be done with that paper, and then move on to the next in the pile. The options: trash it, delegate it, file it, do it, or put it on a list to do later. In that order of preference. Do it if it takes 2 minutes or less to complete. If it takes more, and you can’t trash, delegate or file it, then put it on a list of to-dos.

3. Repeat at least once daily to keep desk clear. The end of the day is best, but I tend to process and tidy up as I go through the day. Once you’ve processed your pile, your desk is clear. You’ve trashed or filed or somehow put everything where it belongs (not on top of your desk or stashed in a drawer). Keep it that way.“

Clear Your Desk in 3 Steps – lifehack.org

10 Tips to Help Keep Your Desk Clean & Ian&8217;s Messy Desk

„# Sort your mail and toss junk as it arrives. Even with an in-basket, you need to process your mail daily to avoid accumulating a stack of paper.
# Get rid of sticky notes and scraps of paper. Get a single notebook and use it to record notes, phone numbers, web addresses, ideas, to-dos, etc.
# Create a list or binder of regularly referenced material, such as phone numbers, and keep it accessible in a desk drawer.
# Schedule filing time at least once per week.
# Add dated or calendar items to a tickler file system or a diary as soon as they arrive.
# When you stop working on something, put it away until the next time you need it. Don??t leave half-completed projects sitting on your desktop.
# Keep nothing on your desk unless you absolutely need them. If you aren??t joining sheets of paper with tape, move the dispenser off the desk. If you want personal photos in the office, have only one on the desk or better yet, hang them on the wall.
# Keep a reading folder for material you need to read. Schedule a regular reading time to clear that material.
# Create a ??oewaiting for” or pending file to hold items dependent on outside action.
# Create a weekly appointment to clean your desk and this includes dusting or polishing. You might be less inclined to mess up a shiny desk. ;)“

10 Tips to Help Keep Your Desk Clean & Ian&8217;s Messy Desk

Logo Design Trends 2007

„Everyone wants to set the curve when it comes to style. No one wants to design out of a book of trends, but nevertheless, they emerge.
Take a peek at the following 11 logo design trends that we think will define the look of 2007. „

Logo Design Trends 2007

frevvo – web form builder

„Live Forms is the easiest way to create rich, Web 2.0 forms using just a browser. You can create amazing forms that work with real business applications without writing a single line of code.

If you are building a web application or an integration project, learn more about what frevvo can do for you.“

frevvo – web form builder

bubbl.us – brainstorming made simple

„What is it?
The simplest way to brainstorm online.

Why bubbl.us?
It’s extremely easy to use and has almost no learning curve. Our intuitive user interface lets anyone brainstorm and organize ideas without getting in the way.

Share and work together with your friends.
Brainstorm without touching the mouse.
Display your ideas online or through email.
Print your work.“

bubbl.us – brainstorming made simple