„Taglocity is an Add-In application to Microsoft Outlook 2003. It allows you to add tags to your email, tasks, calendar and contacts. Taglocity uses a simple user interface that doesn’t change the way you like to work. Taglocity helps you tag with:

* AutoTags Taglocity learns from how you tag and adds tags automatically to your content. This uses a similar technology to spam AI filters, and learns from your actions to improve in accuracy over time.
* TravelingTags Taglocity allows your tags to travel to other people you send and receive messages from. These tags can help clarify your intent of the message, as well as serve as useful shared information to collaborate around. Powerful aliasing allows you to match up your tags with other peoples.
* Search Tags Taglocity uses Microsoft’s Windows Desktop Search to present a tag-based query feature. This allows you to find things very quickly in the context of your tags.
* TagActions Perform automatic actions for common tasks when you tag anything in Outlook. TagActions include turning email into tasks, moving to folders, setting other tags and more.“

Taglocity from IngBox Software

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