Gimp nativ unter MacOS X –

„Wer bisher das freie Bildbearbeitungsprogramm Gimp unter MacOS X nutzen wollte, ben?tigte daf?r einen X-Server. Durch die Portierung der Grafikbibliothek GTK+ l?sst sich aber nun auch Gimp nativ unter MacOS X verwenden, ohne dass X11 eingerichtet werden muss.
Gimp unter MacOS X
Gimp unter MacOS X
Mit X11 f?r MacOS X lassen sich verschiedene Unix-Anwendungen unter Apples Betriebssystem nutzen. Dies hat allerdings den Nachteil, dass die Programme nicht wie native MacOS-X-Applikationen aussehen. Bisher setzte auch das freie Bildbearbeitungsprogramm Gimp die Installation des X-Servers voraus. Dies ist nun jedoch nicht l?nger n?tig, wie M. Gagnon auf der Gimp-Entwickler-Mailingliste berichtet.

Der Verzicht auf X11 ist m?glich, da mittlerweile eine native GTK+-Portierung – die f?r die Gimp-Oberfl?che genutzte Bibliothek – f?r MacOS X existiert. Damit l?sst sich auch Gimp kompilieren. Die daf?r n?tigen Schritte erkl?rt eine Anleitung im Gimp-Wiki.

Prinzipiell sollten sich so auch andere GTK+-Anwendungen unter MacOS X nutzen lassen. Die Liste der noch zu implementierenden Funktionen ist allerdings lang.“

Gimp nativ unter MacOS X –


„You’re probably familiar with the popular proprietary commercial package Norton Ghost?, and its OpenSource counterpart, Partition Image. The problem with these software packages is that it takes a lot of time to massively clone systems to many computers. You’ve probably also heard of Symantec’s solution to this problem, Symantec Ghost Corporate Edition? with multicasting. Well, now there is an OpenSource clone system (OCS) solution called Clonezilla with unicasting and multicasting! With DRBL and network boot enabled client computers, the only thing you have to prepare is a Clonezilla server. You do not even have to prepare a bootable CD or floppy with Partition Image for every client computer.

Clonezilla, based on DRBL, Partition Image, ntfsclone, and udpcast, allows you can massively clone many (40 plus!) computers simultaneously. Unlike G4U (Ghost for Unix) or G4L (Ghost for Linux), Clonezilla saves and restores only used blocks in the harddisk. This increases the clone effiency. At the NCHC’s Classroom C, Clonezilla was used to clone 41 computers simultaneously. It took about 50 minutes to clone a 5.6 GBytes system image to all 41 computers via unicasting and only about 10 minutes via multicasting!“

Clonezilla » App Update

„App Update is a free Dashboard Widget that can automatically check for updates to your installed software. It supports Apple’s software directory, MacUpdate and Version Tracker. It will present you with a tidy link list of all the updates found, enabling you to read release-notes and download the the updates quickly and painlessly.

You can specify the directories in which you keep your applications on App Update’s back. To flip it over, just click the little „i“ button that appears when you move your mouse pointer over the Widget.

You can also specify recursive directory choices, meaning that App Update will not only look into the specified folder, but also into all its sub-folders (which is very convenient if you group your applications this way).

* Universal binary: Runs natively on Intel & PowerPC Macs
* Check for updates manually or automatically (daily or weekly)
* Built-in online help, accessible at all times by pressing Shift+H, viewable in the widget or the browser
* Can be collapsed into a small icon to conserve Dashboard space
* Support for Growl notifications
* Fast scanning of applications with Spotlight
* Implements Apple’s proposed versioning scheme (TN1132)
* Can check an application’s specific homepage as well (requires knowledge of regular expressions)
* Easily add folders per drag & drop
* If an application isn’t found out of the box, you can easily add the necessary info to make it be found in the ‚Advanced‘ dialog in the Widget’s back
* Manage your applications: Right-click an update to expose a drop-down menu in which you can ignore an update, mark it as installed or reveal the application in the Finder
* Compatible with most applications
* Keyboard shortcuts
* Automatically checks for updates to itself, too (once every 24 hours)
* Released under the GPL“ » App Update

AppFresh – All Software Updates for your Mac in One Place

„AppFresh is an utility that keeps all applications on your Mac up to date by checking the internet for new releases and makes downloading and installing them a breeze.

AppFresh covers software updates from Apple and third parties and can be used as a replacement for Apple’s own Software Update application to provide one central place to make sure you’re up to date.

AppFresh is still very much work in progress, and this is only a preview for now. For safety reasons, it won’t overwrite your applications but extract downloaded updates to your desktop. Make sure to check the development blog regularly. You are welcome to leave your feedback or suggestions for improvements there.“

AppFresh – All Software Updates for your Mac in One Place

Affiliate-Marketing in Marktnischen – kleiner, aber feiner –

„Was ist ?berhaupt eine Marktnische und warum sollte mich das als Affiliate-Marketer interessieren?

Eine Marktnische ist ein kleiner Teil eines gr??eren Marktes. Wenn der Hauptmarkt z.B. „Autos“ ist, k?nnte eine Nische beispielsweise „Deutsche Cabrio-Oldtimer“ sein. Im Markt „B?cher“ k?nnte eine Nische „Skandinavische Krimis“ sein. Und im Markt „Sammeln“ w?re eine denkebare Nische „?-Eier-Figuren“.

Nischenm?rkte findet man, indem man den Hauptmarkt quasi in seine Bestandteile zerlegt. Ausgehend von „Auto“ k?nnte man z.B. zuerst zu „Auto -> Cabrios“ verfeinern, um dann ?ber „Auto -> Cabrios -> Oldtimer“ schlie?lich bei „Auto -> Cabrios -> Oldtimer -> Deutsch“ zu landen. In welcher Reihenfolge man einen Markt zerlegt, ist letztlich egal. Man k?nnte also auch in „Auto -> Oldtimer -> Deutsch -> Cabrios“ zerlegen, das Ergebnis ist dasselbe.

Man k?nnte sicher auch noch weiter verfeinern, z.B. in Oldtimer-Cabrios aus der ehemaligen DDR (gab’s da sowas?), oder auf Autos bestimmter Marken. F?r unser Beispiel soll das hier aber erstmal gen?gen.
Und warum sollte mich als Affiliate-Marketer eine Marktnische nun interessieren?

Als Affiliate-Marketer muss ich wissen, wen ich mit meiner Marketing-Kampagne ?berhaupt erreichen will. Das h?ngt nat?rlich prim?r von den Produkten ab, die ich vermarkten will. Wenn ich meinen Plan von der anderen Seite her aufrolle, muss ich hingegen wissen, zu welchem Themenbereich ich etwas zu sagen oder schreiben habe, bzw. wof?r ich mich interessiere.

F?r unser Beispiel w?hlen wir hier den Weg, zun?chst einen Markt zu finden, unabh?ngig davon, ob an dem jeweiligen Thema nun gerade unser Herzblut h?ngt.

Eine Marketing-Kampagne mit dem Thema „Auto“ w?re f?r einen Affiliate-Marketer ziemlich sinnlos, da der so bezeichnete Markt viel zu gro? ist. Wer in Google nach „Auto“ sucht, k?nnte auf der Suche nach folgendem sein (die Liste erhebt keinen Anspruch auf Vollst?ndigkeit):

– Auto kaufen
– Auto verkaufen
– Auto-Versicherung
– Autoradios
– Auto mieten
– Auto-Reparaturen
– usw.

Bei der Vielzahl an m?glichen Themen k?nnten wir niemals wissen, wonach jemand, der nach „Auto“ sucht, tats?chlich auf der Suche ist. Vermutlich wei? er es selbst nicht mal, aber an solch einen Sucher wollen wir unsere teuren Adwords Adwords-Klicks nicht verschwenden – das ?berlassen wir den gro?en Fischen 😉 …“

Affiliate-Marketing in Marktnischen – kleiner, aber feiner –

TrueCrypt – Free Open-Source On-The-Fly Disk Encryption Software for Windows Vista/XP/2000 and Linux – Documentation


March 19, 2007

New features:


Full compatibility with 32-bit and 64-bit Windows Vista:

Support for User Account Control (UAC).

All .sys and .exe files of TrueCrypt are now digitally signed with the digital certificate of the TrueCrypt Foundation, which was issued by the certification authority GlobalSign.

When moving the mouse on a single-CPU computer while reading or writing data to a TrueCrypt volume, the mouse pointer stopped moving for a second every few seconds. This will no longer occur. (Windows Vista issue)

Other minor compatibility-related changes.

TrueCrypt volume is automatically dismounted if its host device is inadvertently removed.

Important: Before you physically remove a device (such as a USB flash drive) where a TrueCrypt volume resides, you should always dismount the volume in TrueCrypt first, and then perform the ‚Eject‘ operation (right-click the host device in the ‚Computer‘ or ‚My Computer‘ list) or use the ‚Safely Remove Hardware‘ function (built in Windows, accessible via the taskbar notification area).

Support for devices and file systems that use a sector size other than 512 bytes (e.g., new hard drives, USB flash drives, DVD-RAM, MP3 players, etc.)

Support for devices with a GPT partition table (GUID partitions). (Windows Vista/2003/XP)

After a partition is successfully encrypted, the drive letter assigned to it (if any) is automatically removed. (Windows)

Volume name (label) is displayed in device/partition selector. (Windows)

New hotkey: ‚Wipe Cache‘. (Windows)

New command line switch ‚/q background‘ for launching the TrueCrypt Background Task. (Windows)



Portions of the TrueCrypt device driver redesigned.

Maximum allowed size of FAT32 volumes increased to 2 TB (note that NTFS volumes can be larger than 2 TB).

Traveller Disk Setup improved. (Windows)

Volumes hosted on read-only media will always be mounted in read-only mode. (Windows)

Improved support for big-endian platforms.
* Other minor improvements (Windows and Linux)

Bug fixes:


The built-in FAT format facility now functions correctly on big-endian platforms.

Improved handling of partitions and devices during volume creation. (Windows)

Improved handling of low-memory conditions. (Windows)

Fixed bug that rarely caused system errors when dismounting all volumes. (Windows)

Tray icon is recreated when Windows Explorer is restarted (e.g. after a system crash).
* Other minor bug fixes. (Windows and Linux)

Security improvements:


Improved security of set-euid mode of execution. Volume can be dismounted only by the user who mounted it or by an administrator (root). (Linux)


* The option ‚Cache passwords and keyfiles in memory‘ in the password prompt dialog window no longer sets the default setting (to set the default setting, select Settings > Preferences and enable or disable the option ‚Cache passwords in driver memory‘).

Removed features:

* It is no longer possible to create new volumes encrypted with 64-bit-block encryption algorithms (Blowfish, CAST-128, and Triple DES). 64-bit block ciphers are being phased out. It is still possible to mount such volumes using this version of TrueCrypt. However, it will not be possible to mount such volumes using TrueCrypt 5.0 and later versions (this applies also to volumes encrypted with AES-Blowfish and AES-Blowfish-Serpent, which have been in the process of being phased out since TrueCrypt 4.1). If you have such a volume, we recommend that you create a new TrueCrypt volume encrypted with a 128-bit-block …“

TrueCrypt – Free Open-Source On-The-Fly Disk Encryption Software for Windows Vista/XP/2000 and Linux – Documentation

TrueCrypt – Free Open-Source On-The-Fly Disk Encryption Software for Windows XP/2000 and Linux


March 19, 2007

New features:


Full compatibility with 32-bit and 64-bit Windows Vista:

Support for User Account Control (UAC).

All .sys and .exe files of TrueCrypt are now digitally signed with the digital certificate of the TrueCrypt Foundation, which was issued by the certification authority GlobalSign.

When moving the mouse on a single-CPU computer while reading or writing data to a TrueCrypt volume, the mouse pointer stopped moving for a second every few seconds. This will no longer occur. (Windows Vista issue)

Other minor compatibility-related changes.

TrueCrypt volume is automatically dismounted if its host device is inadvertently removed.

Important: Before you physically remove a device (such as a USB flash drive) where a TrueCrypt volume resides, you should always dismount the volume in TrueCrypt first, and then perform the ‚Eject‘ operation (right-click the host device in the ‚Computer‘ or ‚My Computer‘ list) or use the ‚Safely Remove Hardware‘ function (built in Windows, accessible via the taskbar notification area).

Support for devices and file systems that use a sector size other than 512 bytes (e.g., new hard drives, USB flash drives, DVD-RAM, MP3 players, etc.)

Support for devices with a GPT partition table (GUID partitions). (Windows Vista/2003/XP)

After a partition is successfully encrypted, the drive letter assigned to it (if any) is automatically removed. (Windows)

Volume name (label) is displayed in device/partition selector. (Windows)

New hotkey: ‚Wipe Cache‘. (Windows)

New command line switch ‚/q background‘ for launching the TrueCrypt Background Task. (Windows)



Portions of the TrueCrypt device driver redesigned.

Maximum allowed size of FAT32 volumes increased to 2 TB (note that NTFS volumes can be larger than 2 TB).

Traveller Disk Setup improved. (Windows)

Volumes hosted on read-only media will always be mounted in read-only mode. (Windows)

Improved support for big-endian platforms.
* Other minor improvements (Windows and Linux)

Bug fixes:


The built-in FAT format facility now functions correctly on big-endian platforms.

Improved handling of partitions and devices during volume creation. (Windows)

Improved handling of low-memory conditions. (Windows)

Fixed bug that rarely caused system errors when dismounting all volumes. (Windows)

Tray icon is recreated when Windows Explorer is restarted (e.g. after a system crash).
* Other minor bug fixes. (Windows and Linux)

Security improvements:


Improved security of set-euid mode of execution. Volume can be dismounted only by the user who mounted it or by an administrator (root). (Linux)


* The option ‚Cache passwords and keyfiles in memory‘ in the password prompt dialog window no longer sets the default setting (to set the default setting, select Settings > Preferences and enable or disable the option ‚Cache passwords in driver memory‘).

Removed features:

* It is no longer possible to create new volumes encrypted with 64-bit-block encryption algorithms (Blowfish, CAST-128, and Triple DES). 64-bit block ciphers are being phased out. It is still possible to mount such volumes using this version of TrueCrypt. However, it will not be possible to mount such volumes using TrueCrypt 5.0 and later versions (this applies also to volumes encrypted with AES-Blowfish and AES-Blowfish-Serpent, which have been in the process of being phased out since TrueCrypt 4.1). If you have such a volume, we recommend that you create a new TrueCrypt volume encrypted with a 128-bit-block …“

TrueCrypt – Free Open-Source On-The-Fly Disk Encryption Software for Windows XP/2000 and Linux

bartek:bargiel : iGTD

„Looking for a powerful GTD Mac organizer? Here it is!

What is it for?

You are a busy man, aren’t you? And there’s an easy way to track all things that have to be done… and to get those things done!

Organize your life by contexts.

Just divide your tasks by contexts – where they have to be done? At home? At your office? At laptop? At any time you can access the Internet? „

bartek:bargiel : iGTD

Mental Case Preview Release

„Mental Case is many things — a drop box for your thoughts; RSS for your head; an index of your knowledge — but ultimately, it’s just a fun way to remember stuff. And ’stuff‘ can be anything, from your new mobile phone number to the Presidents of the United States — Mental Case can even help you remember to stick to a diet.
All you do is gather tidbits of information in ‚mental notes‘. Enter some text, drop in an image, take a screen shot, or even snap a picture with your iSight. Mental Case schedules the note to reappear at future dates. When you have a few minutes to spare, you watch the scheduled notes in a slide show. Mental Case makes learning a pleasure.“

Mental Case Preview Release