Auf der Suche nach dem perfekten PHP Application Framework

Ich habe mich in letzter Zeit etwas nach Frameworks für die Applikationsentwicklung in PHP umgesehen. Hintergrund ist die anstehende Entwicklung einer etwas grösseren Anwendung. Das Framework sollte den MVC-Pattern umsetzen, eventuell Hilfestellungen bei Routine-Tasks geben, aktuell sein (weiterentwickelt werden) und vor allem sollte die verfügbare Dokumentation umfangreich sein.

Nach kurzer Zeit musste ich feststellen, dass die Auswahl sehr gross und unübersichtlich ist. Bisher habe ich mich nicht entschieden. Vielleicht hat der eine odere andere Leser Erfahrungen mit einem dieser Frameworks und möchte sie mit mir teilen? Ausserdem mag ich mit diesem Überblick die Leute unterstützen, die vor einer Ähnlichen Entscheidung stehen.

Es handelt sich hierbei wirklich nur um einen Überblick und keine Bewertung. Es werden die mir bekannten Frameworks mit der Beschreibung von ihrer Webseite verlinkt.

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WebWork: WebWork 2.2: Released and ready for Struts!

„WebWork 2.2: Released and ready for Struts!
OpenSymphony and the WebWork team are proud to announce the release of WebWork version 2.2 (download now). This release is the biggest release ever for WebWork and there are plenty of reasons why (full release notes):
Full support for Java 5 Annotations and Generics
Rich AJAX support using DWR and Dojo
New QuickStart tool makes development easier than ever
Tons more documentation with over 900 PDF pages!
Client side validation using AJAX or plain JavaScript
Built in support for Continuations
JSR168/Portlet support for several popular Portlet servers, including Pluto
Rich UI template framework with native support for JSP, FreeMarker, and Velocity
Native support for Spring and Pico IOC containers
More intelligent error reporting
Developer Mode makes building webapps even easier with improved error reporting
Simplified tag syntax
Advanced data binding framework that works with any object, including domain objects
This release marks an important milestone in the WebWork history: the last major release under the WebWork and OpenSymphony names. While future minor releases will continue to take place (including 2.2.x and 2.1.x releases), all major work will now fold in to the Struts Action Framework, version 2.0. You can use WebWork 2.2 as an early preview of Struts Action Framework 2.0, but you can also expect many other great improvements to be added between now and then.
Thanks to the entire WebWork team for all their hard work, especially during these last few weeks as the final touches were put in place.“

WebWork: WebWork 2.2: Released and ready for Struts!

WebWork: WebWork 2.2: Released and ready for Struts!

Ajaxian: PAJAJ: PHP Asynchronous Javascript and JSON

„A new PHP based Ajax framework put its hat in the ring: PAJAJ.
PAJAJ is a object oriented Ajax framework, created by Gilbert Hyatt, written in PHP5 for development of event driven PHP web applications. The framework follows 5 basic principles:
Simplicity: Everything can be done in PHP.
Various development models:
Developer develops the whole application and interface in PHP
Designer generate a pretty but dump page, and you then hook events to it to make it a real application
You design an interface as a template (example Smarty), and have the framework make html, CSS, Javascript that you pore into the template
Event Driven
Late Binding of Events: no changes need to be made to the HTML themselves
Object Oriented: There are not only objects for the Ajax plumbing, but for page elements that you are interacting with „

Ajaxian: PAJAJ: PHP Asynchronous Javascript and JSON

Ajaxian: PAJAJ: PHP Asynchronous Javascript and JSON

Ajax Pages

„Ajax Pages is a scripting template engine that enables rapid development of Ajax Web-based Applications, just like GMail, Google Maps, A9 and Backpack, but without having to manipulate complicated Document Object Models to make things dynamic.“

Ajax Pages

Ajax Pages

Dojo Toolkit

„Dojo is an Open Source toolkit that allows you to easily build dynamic capabilities into web pages and any other environment that supports JavaScript. Dojo provides components that let you make your sites more useable, responsive, and functional. With Dojo you can build degradeable user interfaces more easily, prototype interactive widgets quickly, animate transitions, and build AJAX-based requests simply. Dojo layers these capabilities onto a lightweight packaging system which forms the core of Dojo. When you write scripts with Dojo, you can include as few or as many of the available APIs as you need, and your app will only include what it uses.“

Dojo Toolkit

Dojo Toolkit

SQLFusion – PAS Open Source Application server for PHP MVC partern

„Build business application with PHP.

PAS is a framework to build database driven applications.

Its a framework similare to the ones find in the Java J2EE and MS .net worlds.
PAS follow application design paterns like MVC, Model View Controler.

It includes features like package management, database registry, eventcontroler, form management, event triggers, and reports. Its a complete and full featured framework used on dozens of live systems by medium size and fortune 500 companies.“

SQLFusion – PAS Open Source Application server for PHP MVC partern

SQLFusion – PAS Open Source Application server for PHP MVC partern