AnyDVD rippt nun auch HD-DVDs und umgeht DVI-Sperre –

„Wie AACS durch das verbotene Tool umgangen wird, bleibt noch geheim

Slysofts in Deutschland verbotene kommerzielle Software AnyDVD konnte bisher „nur“ Audio-CDs und Spielfilm-DVDs zur Laufzeit von Kopierschutz, L?ndercodes und sonstigen Zwangseinstellungen befreien. Mit dem kostenpflichtigen Upgrade auf AnyDVD HD ist das nun auch in Verbindung mit HD-DVDs m?glich – sogar inklusive Wiedergabe auf DVI-Displays ohne HDCP-Verschl?sselung, so dass der Bildschirm hier nicht mehr schwarz bleibt.“

AnyDVD rippt nun auch HD-DVDs und umgeht DVI-Sperre –

Geek to Live: Quick-log your work day – Lifehacker

„Keeping track of how you spend your work day isn’t easy, but it has many benefits. Last week’s article, Map your time, covered how to create your ideal schedule, and then compare it to reality. But how do you keep track of everything you do in one day? You can use a desk diary or paper log, but if you don’t want to stop and write every time you switch tasks, I’ve got a simple script that will log your day’s activities in a keystroke.
Why a work log?

A daily work log:

* Helps you become a better time estimator
* Enables you to get a real picture of your job responsibilities and how they line up with your ideal time map
* Lets you look back at a day or week and have a concrete idea of where your time went.
* Identifies time sinks and helps you make strategic decisions about what you can delegate, take on more, or simply delete from your schedule
* Is a key tool for getting that next promotion, raise or decorating your resume with specific accomplishments

Quick-log your work in a plain text file

Even with all its benefits, keeping a daily work log can seem like a an extra job. You switch between tasks quickly during the day, and breaking your concentration to write in a desk diary or double click a file to update it may disrupt your flow. However, this process can be streamlined using a simple script and a keyboard shortcut.

I’ve put together a Quick Logger script which displays a single input box prompt where you can enter text – like the description of your just-completed task – and appends it to your work log, like this.

When you hit Enter (or Click OK), the text you entered is added to your work log file with the current date and time, like this.

Here’s how to get Quick Logger set up:

1. Save the Quick Logger VB script to your computer as quicklogger.vbs.
2. Open it in your favorite text editor and edit the line that reads:
filename = „d:\data\gina\docs\logs\worklog.txt“
And update it with the full path of your work log file.
3. Right-click on quicklogger.vbs and choose „Send to“ -> „Desktop (create shortcut).“
4. Right-click on the quicklogger.vbs shortcut on your Desktop. In the Properties panel, set the Shortcut Key to Ctrl-Alt-L as shown and hit OK.“

Geek to Live: Quick-log your work day – Lifehacker

Todo.txt – Task tracking for command line lovers

„Why plain text?

Plain text is software and operating system agnostic. It’s searchable, portable, lightweight and easily manipulated. It’s unstructured. It works when someone else’s web server is down or your Outlook .PST file is corrupt. Since it’s been around since the dawn of computing, it’s safe to say it’s completely future-proof. There’s no exporting and importing, no databases or tags or flags or stars or prioritizing or [Insert company name here]-induced rules on what you can and can’t do with it.

Todo.txt is a flat text file that contains one task per line, each optionally associated with a context, project and priority for slicing, dicing and sorting.
The 3 axes of an effective todo list

Using special notation in todo.txt, you can create a list that’s sliceable by 3 key axes.

Context. Getting Things Done author David Allen suggests splitting up your task lists by context – ie, the place and situation where you’ll work on the job. Messages that you need to send go in the „@email“ context; calls to be made „@phone“, household projects „@home.“

That way, when you’ve got a few minutes in the car with your cell phone, you can easily check your „@phone“ tasks and make a call or two while you have the opportunity.

Project. The only way a big project to move a big project forward is to tackle a small subtask associated with it. Your todo.txt should be able to list out all the tasks specific to a project.

In order to move along a project like „Cleaning out the garage,“ my task list should give me the next logical action to take in order to move that project along. „Clean out the garage“ isn’t a good todo item; but „Call Goodwill to schedule pickup“ in the „Clean out garage“ project is.

Priority. Your todo list should be able to tell you what’s the next most important thing for you to get done – either by project or by context or overall.

Optionally assign tasks a priority that’ll bubble them up to the top of the list.

This is all possible inside todo.txt.“

Todo.txt – Task tracking for command line lovers

Todo.txt – Task tracking for command line lovers

„Countless software applications and web sites were built to manage your to do list. But if you’re comfortable at the command line and you don’t want to depend on someone else’s data format or someone else’s server, there’s an age-old method that’s perfect for tracking your stuff: plain text.

Keep on top of all your tasks and projects in a simple file called todo.txt. With a few helper scripts, you can slice, dice, sort, distribute, pipe and munge your lists any way you please. As it should be.“

Todo.txt – Task tracking for command line lovers

Review your most oft-used UNIX commands – Lifehacker

„BM author Michael Stutz lists several ways UNIX users can benchmark and increase their productivity at the command line. One is to use the built in history tool to review what programs you use the most, using this command:

history|awk ‚{print $2}’|awk ‚BEGIN {FS=“|“} {print $1}’|sort|uniq -c|sort -r

The result will be a list of commands you’ve issued ordered by frequency. This is a fabulous way to identify what commands could use a shorter alias; for example, if I type ssh 20 times a day, it’s worth setting up an alias like sshg to get that done in fewer keystrokes. What commands show up the most in your history? Let us know in the comments.“

Review your most oft-used UNIX commands – Lifehacker

PuTTY for win32 storing configuration into file

„PuTTY is a great free telnet/ssh client for Win32 and Unix platforms. It’s just one „exe“, no install, no extra dlls are required. So it can be run from floppy, usb flash disk etc.

But it stores all configuration into registry ([HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareSimonTathamPuTTY]) – you cannot store/load it from file on the floppy or other removable devices. There is a workaround with bat/reg files but that isn’t very nice. So I’ve rewritten small part of PuTTY (winstore.c – functions which handle storing/loading configuration).

I’ve rewritten small part of Pageant too, to be able to load list of stored session (winpgnt.c – function update_sessions).

If you find a bug related to storing/loading configuration or not present in original PuTTY feel free to e-mail it to [email protected]. Suggestions are welcome too. My modification to PuTTY is under same licence as PuTTY – you can do anything with it but at your own risk and without any warranty.“

PuTTY for win32 storing configuration into file

The Old New Thing : Why cant you set the command prompts current directory to a UNC?

„If you try to set the current directory of a command prompt, you get the error message „CMD does not support UNC paths as current directories.“ What’s going on here?

It’s MS-DOS backwards compatibility.

If the current directory were a UNC, there wouldn’t be anything to return to MS-DOS programs when they call function 19h (Get current drive). That function has no way to return an error code, so you have to return a drive letter. UNCs don’t have a drive letter.

You can work around this behavior by using the pushd command to create a temporary drive letter for the UNC. Instead of passing script.cmd to the CreateProcess function as the lpCommandLine, you can pass cmd.exe /c pushd servershare && script.cmd.“

The Old New Thing : Why cant you set the command prompts current directory to a UNC?

Slife Labs

„Slife is a new application for the Max OS X that lets you visualize and organize your computer activities like never before. Slife observes your every interaction with applications such as Safari, Mail and iChat and keeps tracks of all web pages you visit, emails you read, documents you write and much more.

All activities observed by Slife are graphically displayed in visualizations that make it easy for you to understand where and how you are spending your time.“

Slife Labs


„So what is DocumentWallet? DocumentWallet is a Mac OS X program that allows you to scan in and manage your documents. When you scan in each document, you enter a few pieces of information about the document such as the title, category and sub category (as well as fields that you define) and then you can quickly and easily locate your documents. You can view the documents right on the screen, print them, email them, or save them as PDFs. In addition to the powerful search built into DocumentWallet, you can organize your documents into collections. These collections can contain whatever you want and even better than that is the ability to create smart collections that automatically create collections based on whatever criteria you like. For instance, you can create a smart collection that contains all of your manuals for your electronic components or one that contains documents for a certain case. The possibilities are endless. „
