Apple Bootcamp – Offiziell XP auf Intel Macs installieren

„More and more people are buying and loving Macs. To make this choice simply irresistible, Apple will include technology in the next major release of Mac OS X, Leopard, that lets you install and run the Windows XP operating system on your Mac. Called Boot Camp (for now), you can download a public beta today.“ – Na toll: Nachdem der Wettkampf vorbei ist zückt Apple eine fertige Lösung aus dem Ärmel… Das hätten sie auch eher machen können 😉

Apple Bootcamp – Offiziell XP auf Intel Macs installieren

Apple Bootcamp – Offiziell XP auf Intel Macs installieren

The five top used Freeware Apps on my Mac started a little contest for Bloggers. You have to post your favorite Freeware Apps for Mac OS.

Here is my list:

Place #5 – Adium

The best instant Messaging Application

Place #4 – iTerm

The best Terminal Replacement

Place #3 – VLC

Must-Have Mediaplayer

Place #2 – Remote Desktop

For working remotely on Windows PCs

Place #1 – ClearDock

Why didn’t Apple include this Feature with the OS? The Dock lucks so ugly without it…

Neue Version 1.94 von UPX

Neue Version 1.94 von UPX:
„Changes in 1.94 beta (11 Mar 2006):
* new format: added support for arm/pe (ARM executables running on WinCE)
* new format: added support for linux elf/amd64
* new format: added support for linux elf/ppc32
* new format: added support for mach/ppc32 (Apple Mac OS X)
* win32/pe: hopefully working „load config“ support
* win32/pe: R6002 runtime errors worked around
* win32/pe: the stub now clears the dirty stack“

Neue Version 1.94 von UPX

Neue Version 1.94 von UPX


„Do you hate starting on a new project and having to try to figure out someone else’s idea of a database? Or are you in QA and the developers expect you to understand all the relationships in their schema? If so then this tool’s for you.

SchemaSpy is a Java-based tool that analyzes the metadata of a schema in a database and generates a visual representation of it in a browser-displayable format. It lets you click through the hierarchy of database tables via child and parent table relationships. The browsing through relationships can occur though HTML links and/or though the graphical representation of the relationships. It’s also designed to help resolve the obtuse errors that a database sometimes gives related to failures due to constraints.“



Network File Copy using SSH

Ein paar Möglichkeiten Dateien über ssh auf einen anderen Rechner zu übetragen:
„tar cvf – . | gzip -c -1 | ssh user@host cat „>“ remotefile.gz

ssh target_address cat “ remotefile

ssh target_address cat “ remotefile

cat localfile | ssh target_address cat „>“ remotefile

cat localfile | ssh target_address cat – „>“ remotefile

dd if=localfile | ssh target_address dd of=remotefile

ssh target_address cat remotefile.tgz )“

( cd SOURCEDIR && tar cvf – . | gzip -1 -) | ssh target_address „(cd DESTDIR && cat – > remotefile.tgz )“

ssh target_address „( nc -l -p 9210 > remotefile & )“ && cat source-file | gzip -1 – | nc target_address 9210

cat localfile | gzip -1 – | ssh target_address cat „>“ remotefile.gz“

Network File Copy using SSH

Network File Copy using SSH


„Start typing any text you want to be translated into the green field. The words should be automatically translated into the language of your choice and appear in the bluish box. To switch langauges, simply click on the language you would like to translate from and then procede to select the language you would like to translate into. In order to swap the contents of the two boxes, use a double click.“

