Auf der Suche nach dem perfekten PHP Application Framework

Ich habe mich in letzter Zeit etwas nach Frameworks für die Applikationsentwicklung in PHP umgesehen. Hintergrund ist die anstehende Entwicklung einer etwas grösseren Anwendung. Das Framework sollte den MVC-Pattern umsetzen, eventuell Hilfestellungen bei Routine-Tasks geben, aktuell sein (weiterentwickelt werden) und vor allem sollte die verfügbare Dokumentation umfangreich sein.

Nach kurzer Zeit musste ich feststellen, dass die Auswahl sehr gross und unübersichtlich ist. Bisher habe ich mich nicht entschieden. Vielleicht hat der eine odere andere Leser Erfahrungen mit einem dieser Frameworks und möchte sie mit mir teilen? Ausserdem mag ich mit diesem Überblick die Leute unterstützen, die vor einer Ähnlichen Entscheidung stehen.

Es handelt sich hierbei wirklich nur um einen Überblick und keine Bewertung. Es werden die mir bekannten Frameworks mit der Beschreibung von ihrer Webseite verlinkt.

(mehr …)

MVC and web apps: oil and water

„MVC and web apps: oil and water

by Harry Fuecks

Roll back the clock by two years. That’s before AJAX, before Web 2.0, before Rails. Where were we then? Well pondering whether MVC was really such a good idea after all. Continuing from there:

What is MVC?

For a long answer, the best I%u2019ve seen (for web heads) is Jeff%u2019s analysis here. There more to be found via Wikipedia and yet more on the old C2 wiki.

A short answer, for web applications (with a PHP slant), is probably a way to organise code based around the following ideas;

* Model: those functions that wrap calls to your db
* View: the templates / scripts that output HTML
* Controller: the stuff that examines variables like $_GET and $_POST and works out what to do next

What’s important to remember is there’s no absolute definition of MVC and there are many grey areas for interpretation and yet more when it comes to using it online. That in itself means, if you’re building a framework, you just need to put the words Model, View and Controller in there somewhere and you’re probably as right as anyone else. A while back John Lim dared to ask Is MVC over-designed crap?, I suspect coming for the gut instinct of an experienced programmer. In a later update he wryly commented;“

MVC and web apps: oil and water

MVC and web apps: oil and water

How To Build A Web App

„How to build a Web App“ ist ein kleines, geniales Tool dem man mitteilt welche Plattform, Persistenzschicht, Development OS, Produktiv OS, Datenbank, Framework, View usw. man gerne benutzen möchte. Danach spuckt es eine hierarchische Checkliste aus, welche man Aufklappen kann, um direkt auf der entsprechenden Webseite zu landen.
Am Ende hat man eine fertige Webanwendung entwickelt 😉

How To Build A Web App

How To Build A Web App

Phrame PHP Framework

„What is Phrame?
Phrame is a web development platform for PHP based on the design of Jakarta Struts. Phrame provides your basic Model-View-Controller architecture, and also takes a step further adding standard components such as HashMap?, ArrayList?, Stack, ListIterator?, Object and more… All of this functionality was designed to be as easy as possible to use by developers and designers.
Phrame encourages application architectures based on the „Model2″ approach, a variation of the classic Model-View-Controller (MVC) design paradigm. Phrame provides its own Controller component and integrates with other technologies to provide the Model and the View. For the Model, Phrame can interact with any standard data access technology, including Pear DB/DataObjects?, and ADODB. For the View, Phrame works well with PHP, Smarty Templates, XSLT, Flash MX, and other presentation systems.
Phrame provides an extensible development environment for your application, based on published standards and proven design patterns. Phrame was originally sponsored by the Software Development department of Texas Tech University and is released under the LGPL.
Read about Phrame’s History.“ – PHP Framework; macht einen sauberen Eindruck und gibts schon seit ein paar Jahren

Phrame PHP Framework

Fusebox Framework

„An Overview of Fusebox
Application developers face a daunting task: they must translate the often fuzzily-defined requirements for a new application into the rigid language of computers. While the Fusebox Lifecycle Process (FLiP) offers help in managing the project management aspects of creating a new application, what help is there available to developers approaching the technical challenges of creating and maintaining applications?

Application frameworks answer this question, offering pre-built (and pre-tested) code — a collection of services that can provide the architectural underpinnings for a particular type of application. Web-based applications are increasingly the choice for new application development in which the browser becomes the „universal client“. As web development matures, web-based application frameworks allow the developer to concentrate more on meeting the business needs of the application and less on the „plumbing“ needed to make that application work.

Fusebox is, by far, the most popular and mature web framework available for ColdFusion and PHP developers. The architecture of a Fusebox application is divided into various sections („circuits“ in Fusebox parlance), each of which has a particular focus. For example, the responsiblity for ensuring that only authorized users have access to all or part of the application might fall under a Security circuit.

The Fusebox application architect defines these circuits, as well as the individual actions („fuseactions“) that may be requested of it. When a fuseaction request is made of the application, the Fusebox machinery (the „Fusebox“) routes the request to the appropriate circuit, where the fuseaction is processed. This idea of encapsulation of responsibilities makes it easy for different functional circuits to be „plugged“ into an application, making it possible to reuse code.

Within the individual circuit responsible for carrying out the requested fuseaction, the Fusebox architect specifies the individual files („fuses“) needed to fulfill the fuseaction request. Thus, the Fusebox acts like a good manager, delegating tasks to appropriate departments where it is decomposed into individual tasks, each of which can be assigned to individuals to carry out.“ – Ein weiteres PHP-Framework, welches das MVC-Pattern umsetzt

Fusebox Framework

Fusebox Framework

SQLFusion – PAS Open Source Application server for PHP MVC partern

„Build business application with PHP.

PAS is a framework to build database driven applications.

Its a framework similare to the ones find in the Java J2EE and MS .net worlds.
PAS follow application design paterns like MVC, Model View Controler.

It includes features like package management, database registry, eventcontroler, form management, event triggers, and reports. Its a complete and full featured framework used on dozens of live systems by medium size and fortune 500 companies.“

SQLFusion – PAS Open Source Application server for PHP MVC partern

SQLFusion – PAS Open Source Application server for PHP MVC partern