KLS SOFT – WSCC – Windows System Control Center

„WSCC is a free, portable program that allows you to install, update, execute and organize the utilities from various system utility suites. WSCC can install and update the supported utilities automatically. Alternatively, WSCC can use the http protocol to download and run the programs. WSCC is portable, installation is not required. Extract the content of the downloaded zip archive to any directory on your computer.“

KLS SOFT – WSCC – Windows System Control Center

Kitty – Putty fork mit zusätzlichen Features

„KiTTY is a fork from version 0.60 (build 20100914) of PuTTY, the best telnet / SSH client in the world.
KiTTY is only designed for the Microsoft Windows platform. For more information about the original software, or pre-compiled binaries on other systems, you can go to the Simon Tatham PuTTY page.

KiTTY has all the features from the original software, and adds many others as described below:“
