Gecko &Coloured Scrollbar& Experiment

„Internet Explorer 5.5 (and later) supports some non-standard CSS properties to alter the appearance of scrollbars on webpages. Purists would argue that a designer should not touch a scrollbar’s appearance as it’s actually a part of the UI and, therefore, poses usability problems. I agree. Scrollbars are really not a part of the canvas that designers should have influence over. Imagine if a TV program could change the look of your television set. I’m not sure what my point is, but let’s continue.“

Gecko &Coloured Scrollbar& Experiment

Gecko &Coloured Scrollbar& Experiment

C82 & art, the web, and everything in between

„Usability and accessibility are all the rage right now and that’s great because it’s slowly making the web a better place. Unfortunately, some of the goodies in our bags of tricks aren’t quite up to snuff when it comes to these two areas. One such goody is the good old select element–specifically with the multiple attribute enabled. How about we do away with them and try something different?
The biggest problem with multiple-select boxes is that selecting multiple options is a pain, especially if there are enough to create a scrollbar within the box. The most common place I’ve seen this scenario is in content management systems. For example, let’s say you are writing an article for a site in a CMS and want it to appear in several categories on the front end of a site. (Let’s assume that the system is not using tags for this example.) To related it to these categories, a multiple-select box is usually shown with all the categories of the site as options. You would have to hold down Ctrl and select each category. This may include scrolling within the box and if you love using the handy dandy scroll wheel on mice, then you may click in the box again to enable focus and start scrolling down–but wait! You just clicked without holding Ctrl so you just deselected all the previously-selected options. Now you have to go back and remember what you picked and use the scroll bar to scroll down. Sure, you set focus to the element by selecting the elements with Ctrl but not everyone knows that. All this backing and forthing gets to be a real pain. More about the perils of select boxes can be found at YourTotalSite’s Multi-Select Lists vs. Checkboxes.“

C82 & art, the web, and everything in between

C82 & art, the web, and everything in between

Ajaxian: Meebo IM Client Growth

„Meebo is the top Ajax client, and is a fantastic example of what you can do with Ajax. It looks nice, acts responsive, etc. There is a reason that it gets mentioned in all of the lists of quality Ajax applications.
I think an interesting debate could be have on whether IM is the kind of application that should be implemented via Ajax versus a rich desktop interface“

Ajaxian: Meebo IM Client Growth

Ajaxian: Meebo IM Client Growth

.: UNEASYsilence :. & Download Google Earth for MacOS X

„Ok, so you know there is a beta of Google Earth floating on the net.
I’m sure you would love to play with it.
Wait no longer my children. A VERY MYSTERIOUS person sent an email to our tipline with the download link. If you repost the download link to other blogs, do the right thing and link back to us, please.
Download by CLICKING HERE“ – Google Earth Download

.: UNEASYsilence :. & Download Google Earth for MacOS X

.: UNEASYsilence :. & Download Google Earth for MacOS X

Das Beste vom Web 2.0 – Webmaster Blog

„Von wegen Bubble: Dion Hinchcliffe hat die seiner Meinung nach beste Web 2.0 Software des letzten Jahres prämiert. Herausgekommen ist eine umfassende Übersicht teilweise enorm innovativer und nutzbringender Web-Applications. Sieger gab es in folgenden Kategorien:

Social Bookmarking (Gewinner:
Web 2.0 Start Pages (Netvibes)
Online To Do Lists (Voo2do)
Peer Production News (Digg)
Image Storage and Sharing (Flickr)
3rd Party Online File Storage (Openomy)
Blog Filters (Memeorandum)
Grassroots Use of Web 2.0 (Katrina List Network)
Web-Based Word Processing (Writeley)
Online Calendars (Calendarhub)
Project Management & Team Collaboration (Basecamp)“

Das Beste vom Web 2.0 – Webmaster Blog

Das Beste vom Web 2.0 – Webmaster Blog

JSLog, a lightweight AJAX logger

This is a lightweight, self-contained logging panel which takes the place of alert() boxes and ad-hoc logging techniques for your AJAX and DHTML applications. It is unobtrusive, efficient, and eminently useful.
Installation requirements & dependencies
Download one .js file and include it in your pages. There are no external dependencies.
Script weight & namespace tokens
The script is just over 6 Kb. It places just two tokens into your global namespace. „

JSLog, a lightweight AJAX logger

JSLog, a lightweight AJAX logger | Your Digital Life, To Go&

„ has officially launched. is a community site devoted to the development, promotion and use of portable applications. The site was created by John T. Haller (aka me), the developer behind numerous portable applications (like Portable Firefox, Portable Thunderbird and Portable as a way to centralize the knowledge and development efforts of multiple portable application efforts. now hosts all of my portable applications including the Portable Apps Suite as well support pages, discussion forums, a directory of portable applications and resources for developers of portable apps.“ | Your Digital Life, To Go& | Your Digital Life, To Go&

CSS for Bar Graphs


Having a working knowledge of XHTML and CSS when developing applications is a big help in knowing what can be done client-side and what should be generated server-side.

Recently we’ve had to tackle some interesting visualizations which we coded in XHTML and CSS. The method we used, while fairly simple, was a big help to the engineer and created a very flexible and inexpensive solution. We thought we would share our solution and code in case anyone else ran against similar situations.“

CSS for Bar Graphs

CSS for Bar Graphs